is a Finnish influencer media company. They build the entire campaign for the customer, starting with the right influencers. plans the campaign, manages contracts and communicates with the influencers.

I interviewed Emma Ruotsala, the Influencer Marketing & Sales Director of, about their experiences with Click2Contract.

How did you make proposals before Click2Contract?

“We used Word. Each salesperson had their own template. We didn’t continue with this practice for a long time, maybe just six months. Then we already switched to using C2C,” Emma says. “We didn’t know we needed this kind of service but decided to test it.”


Kuvassa Somessa.comin perustajat vasemmalla Johanna Tidström ja Emma Ruotsala oikealla.
Kuvassa Somessa.comin perustajat vasemmalla Johanna Tidström ja Emma Ruotsala oikealla.

How has C2C changed the way you work?

“It has made the work way more efficient. We have long proposals which include creative plans. C2C helps us save a lot of time because we can create new documents based on old templates. Each campaign has a main campaign planner, and now they don’t have to do everything alone since there are ready-made templates to ease the work. Proposals can be made faster when there are ready-made templates for different industries,” Emma describes the effects of C2C.

“We have eight people working here, and everyone can see all proposals: the ones they’ve made themselves as well as everyone else’s. This way we’re up to date on everything. If each salesperson had proposals and relevant information on their own devices, things wouldn’t run as smoothly at all. Everything happens according to the plan in the proposal.”

Click2Contract has also helped to grow.

Cooperation with C2C?

According to Emma, the cooperation with Click2Contract has gone well and there has always been help available as soon as a problem has emerged. Problems have been resolved very quickly. Jaakko from C2C has reportedly answered every “dumb” question with no delay. (Well done, Jaakko!)

“A good way to describe it is to say that you don’t know you need it until you have it. Click2Contract is an important tool for us. If someone would have asked us before if we needed something like this, we would have said no. Now we wouldn’t survive without it,” Emma concludes.

Thank you so much and Emma.